4/23/24 UPDATE:
4/15/24 UPDATE:
This project is nearing its final steps. Your voice matters now more than ever. The “mixed-use” self-storage proposal is up for hearings in front of its last City bodies over the next two weeks.
The project will be heard by the City Council Land Use & Zoning (LUZ) committee TOMORROW, on 4/16 at 5:00p.m. in Council Chambers. Please tell these City Council members you oppose this project.
It will last head to full City Council on 4/23. The City Council meeting begins at 5:00p.m. in Council Chambers.
If you are not able to attend a meeting in person, please email City Council members to share your thoughts. If you can’t stay long for either meeting, please fill out a speaker card and indicate you are waiving your time in opposition to the project. It will still be read into the public comment record. We encourage all residents to attend and participate in this process and speak out about what you’d like to see in our neighborhood.
Last week, there were two separate Downtown Development Review Board hearings:
- The first, on 4/9, was a special meeting that heard the PUD rezoning request to address the self-storage on this parcel. The DDRB approved the PUD rezoning 7-1. Read a meeting recap HERE.
- The second, on 4/11, heard the conceptual review of the project. The DDRB deferred this review. Read more HERE.
Why is the SMPS actively opposing this project? The SMPS advocates for the future vision of our community. Self-storage is not a permitted use under the Downtown Overlay, and it is not consistent with the Downtown Business Improvement District (BID) Plan (and therefore, by extension, with the City’s Comprehensive Plan itself). This community strongly feels these guiding documents have already correctly contemplated appropriate zoning that will foster a vibrant Downtown and Southbank district—that specifically carve out self-storage, as a uniquely vehicle-dependent use.
3/25/24 UPDATE:
The SMPS Board of Directors discussed the project at its February meeting and came to the unanimous conclusion: although there have been some changes to the project as a result of both the community’s voice and the efforts of the SMPS, the fact remains that self-storage is still not a permitted use under the Downtown Overlay. Additionally, the Board believes that self-storage is not the best use of this particular property. For these reasons, the San Marco Preservation Society opposes the development as currently proposed.
The project will next be heard by the Downtown Development Review Board. THE TIMES AND DATES HAVE CHANGED; PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. There will be two separate DDRB hearings on the self-storage proposal:
- The first will be Tuesday, 4/9 from 3-5 p.m. to hear the PUD (rezoning) only. This is a special meeting of the DDRB scheduled only to hear the PUD portion of the project.
- The second will be Thursday, 4/11 from 2-5 p.m. to hear the conceptual review. This is the regular April meeting of the DDRB, at which the architecture, site plan, and other features of the project will be discussed during conceptual review.
Both of these meetings will be held in the large multi-purpose room at the Downtown Main Library. Public comment during both meetings is encouraged.
To register your public comment, you may attend these meetings in person, OR you may email the DDRB before its meetings by contacting DDRB staff, whose information is:
Guy Parola |
Operations Manager | |
Susan Kelly | Redevelopment Coordinator |
PLEASE NOTE: After the DDRB hearings, the project will be heard by the Land Use & Zoning (LUZ) committee on 4/16. It will last head to full City Council on 4/23.
The project must move through all of these steps regardless of vote outcomes. At each of these presentations, the public is allowed and encouraged to speak and express their thoughts on the project. If you are not able to attend a meeting in person, please email City Council members to share your thoughts. Community engagement matters. We encourage all residents to attend and participate in this process and speak out about what you’d like to see in our neighborhood.
Anyone can write emails to city councilmembers requesting denial of this project at any time. Use the QR codes below to be directed to a list of councilmember email addresses. Email content will automatically populate; simply add your name and email address. Feel free to tailor the content of your email message. Please be sure to scan both QR codes in order to email all 19 City Council members.
This project is nearing its final steps. Your voice matters now more than ever. Please take a moment to send an email and to forward this message to a neighbor.
3/1/24 UPDATE:
In late 2023, developers requested a Planned Unit Development (PUD) to build self-storage units on the property containing Basil Thai Restaurant, abutting 1451 Home Street (an historic South Jacksonville home built in 1909) across from bb’s restaurant. This project has been reintroduced for city approvals. This PUD is the same self-storage project that was discussed, opposed, and withdrawn in City Council in 2022, with regard to changing the downtown overlay legislation to allow this development (scroll down to read through project history). The developers have returned with an application in the form of a PUD. The sought self-storage PUD is on land not currently zoned for such use.
Thanks to all who attended the town hall on February 1 hosted by the San Marco Preservation Society and Councilman Joe Carlucci. We discussed the latest status and design regarding the self-storage project proposed at the current Basil Thai site on Hendricks Avenue. (Our thanks to Aspire Church for hosting us!)
The attorney representing CubeSmart self-storage, Steve Diebenow, as well as representatives from Vestcor, local multi-family developer, and local architecture firm, Group 4 Design, were in attendance. Together, they presented the latest design of a 10-story building, which includes first floor retail, parking on the second floor, then four stories of self-storage, and finally, four stories of apartments. A percentage of the apartments will be offered as affordable housing utilizing the Housing Credit and Mortgage Revenue Bond programs.
Many members of the community expressed their thoughts on the project to the developer, to the SMPS, and to our Councilman. Following the town hall meeting, the SMPS Board of Directors further discussed the current proposal at our February meeting and came to the unanimous conclusion: although there have been some changes to the project, as a result of both the community’s voice and the efforts of the SMPS, the fact remains that self-storage is still not a permitted use under the Downtown Overlay. Additionally, the Board believes that self-storage is not the best use of this particular property. For these reasons, the San Marco Preservation Society opposes the development as currently proposed. The SMPS will continue to represent the neighborhood on this matter as the PUD goes through the City’s review process.
PLEASE NOTE: The next steps are for the developer to present this latest version of the project to the Downtown Design Review Board (DDRB), then to the Downtown Investment Authority (DIA). Finally, it will be presented to City Council’s committees and then to the full Council. The project must move through each of these steps in order to receive approval to move forward. At each of these presentations, the public is allowed and encouraged to speak and express their thoughts on the project. If you are not able to attend a meeting in person, please email City Council members to share your thoughts. Community engagement matters. We encourage all residents to attend and participate in this process and speak out about what you’d like to see in our neighborhood.
Click here to read an op ed piece from The Jaxson about this project.
4/10/23 UPDATE:
- The foundation of urban form is the grid block structure. The alleyways serve to support that form and contribute to the historic fabric of our neighborhood. Allowing closure of alleyways will set a precedent to destroy the historic fabric of our urban core.
- This alley closure is not supported by the DIA nor the district councilmember. The mayor’s office is overstepping in introducing this legislation against the will of the people who live in the district.

2/26/23 UPDATE:
At the last full City Council public hearing, Steve Diebenow, representative for applicant The Simpson Co., discussed an alleyway closure. In order for the PUD to proceed as it’s written, two things need to happen: 1) the alley that runs east to west on the property needs to be at least partially closed, and 2) the PUD needs full Council approval. Because the PUD requires the alley closure per the site plan, the city has asked the applicant to wait to bring the PUD to City Council until after the alley closure has first been approved.
This closure may prove tricky since there has been a fairly recent push by historic districts to keep alleys intact, to preserve the fabric of these neighborhoods. Last year, the SMPS conducted a survey of the alleys in San Marco and met with Councilwoman LeAnna Cumber to ask for her support in keeping the alleys open. She agreed that this alley preservation strategy was desirable. Alleyway closures are legislated through local bills and therefore require a councilmember or government agency as a sponsor.
At the 2/22 LUZ meeting, many citizens spoke in opposition to the storage facility proposal. The LUZ public hearings have been continued to 3/22 to allow any alleyway closure legislation time to catch up. At time of writing, the SMPS is not aware of any legislation that has been filed to close the alleyway. Because the public hearing for the PUD has been “continued,” there is additional time to contact City Council as well as speak on the item at LUZ committee hearings. City Council will wait to vote on the PUD until after the alley has been closed.
The SMPS’s opposition to this development is that the project is not the right use or combination of uses for the site. Storage units are not needed or desired on the Southbank, because they are allowed by zoned right a short distance from this site. We are asking the LUZ and City Council to uphold the very recent laws they adopted and reinforced last year.
Thank you all for your continued involvement!
Please email all city councilmembers sharing your opposition before 3/22.
Posted 2/10/23:
There are two remaining opportunities for public comment on this PUD request. Whether or not you are able to attend these hearings in person, please email City Council and let them know your position before Feb. 28.
WHEN: Tuesday, Feb. 14 at 5:00p.m.
WHERE: City Hall, City Council Chambers
WHEN: Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 5:00p.m.
WHERE: City Hall, City Council Chambers
Feb. 14 will be the only Public Hearing before the full City Council. No vote will be taken on the 14th. The LUZ committee will have a public hearing on the PUD on Feb. 22. The final City Council vote is currently scheduled for the 28th, but there will not be public hearing that night on this item. NOTE: If speaking on a specific project, you must fill out a speaker card when you arrive at the table in the rotunda. The bill number is 2023-007. Fill out the card and turn it in before the meeting begins.
The SMPS is opposed to the PUD because it is incompatible with the city’s Comprehensive Plan, downtown’s BID Plan, and does not accomplish the goals of downtown redevelopment. A public town hall meeting was held about this PUD on Jan. 30. The Downtown Development Review Board reviewed the rezoning request on Feb. 9 and voted 6Y-2N to approve it. The DDRB’s staff report recommended DENIAL of the PUD.
The Planned Unit Development is not well planned or thought out. The mix of uses (20% retail and 80% self-storage) are not complimentary and are ill-defined. The only real thought that has gone into this “mixed-use” project is that of storage units. The PUD is being utilized as a way to create this use and subvert the zoning code and downtown overlay.
There are no shade trees provided along sidewalks, and the storage facility itself does not promote walkability, in that it does not provide a destination or origin for pedestrians. Barely two blocks from the Riverwalk and waterfront, this use does not promote pedestrian interest or activation. The storage facility does not add the density and intensity that is needed to bring vibrancy to the Southbank. The storage space equates to roughly 160,000 square feet of dead space in an important area for activation of the Southbank.
This site directly abuts the oldest remaining residential building from the city of South Jacksonville—1451 Home Street, built in 1909. The SMPS has serious concerns about the scale of this project in relation to the existing buildings and the preservation of this historic building during the construction of this massive five-story building.
The downtown overlay is not an ancient, antiquated text. It was passed in 2019 after several years of visioning, community input, and research. It contemplates future development as a driving factor in its crafting. Furthermore, the project proposed in this PUD was reviewed just last year in a legislative process by City Council and was overwhelmingly opposed by the public, the DIA, the DDRB, the General Counsel’s Office, and the planning and development department. The bill was ultimately withdrawn as the sponsor of the bill “lost faith” in it. The substance of what the applicant is actually seeking (self-storage space as a use) has not changed. They are simply asking for a site-specific change to the zoning instead of the whole of the overlay.
BOTTOM LINE: No one wants this project except for the out-of-town developer, who told the DDRB that this project would be the most successful one out of the 24 self-storage projects he has developed. The project does not benefit the Southbank neighborhood, downtown’s vibrancy, or the people of Jacksonville. See a summary of the project here.
Please speak out against this PUD and stand up for smart development and authentic, vibrant uses in the Southbank.
Read more about self-storage uses in urban areas from The Jaxson.
If these hearing dates or locations change, the SMPS will notify you via email and social media.