Thank you for your interest in joining the San Marco Preservation Society. Please consider joining us in our mission to preserve and renew San Marco as an area of historical and architectural significance for the benefit of local residents and businesses and the education and enjoyment of visitors and the public at large.
Preserve the Past
Through your financial support and participation, our organization is able to maintain San Marco as the beautiful, historic community we have all come to know and love. Our organization works hard to constantly improve and enhance quality of life while always aiming to preserve that which makes our neighborhood so great for future generations.
Join the Community
San Marco is made all the better by its diverse and active community of residents. Joining the Society is a great way to meet your neighbors and participate in the rich fellowship that is such a vital part of our community.
Get Involved
Participation in SMPS ensures that your interests as a member of our community are considered. All Society members are invited to our annual general meeting and are eligible for board membership. We give the residents of San Marco a voice in City Hall and advocate on the neighborhood’s behalf.
Stay Informed
Membership in SMPS puts you on the list to receive our quarterly newsletter, The San Marco Times. The Times is your ticket to the latest news related to events, zoning and legislative affairs, as well as information on important matters that affect our community. Learn more about San Marco through event recaps, resident profiles and updates from the President.
San Marco would not be what it is today without the countless hours our amazing volunteers have contributed to our mission. Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization and instill a sense of pride in our community. We are always on the lookout for adults and families who are eager to help make San Marco a great place to live. If you are interested in volunteer opportunities, please contact the San Marco Preservation Society and someone will reach out to you shortly.
Member Perks
In addition to helping SMPS achieve its mission, Society members receive discounts at the following local merchants when they present their membership card:
- One complimentary glass of a happy hour wine at Taverna
- 20% off at The Wardroom Ltd
- 10% off non-sale merchandise at Beau’s Outfitters
- 10% off at Bitty & Beau’s (San Marco location)
- 10% off at San Marco Books and More
- One complimentary glass of a happy hour wine at Oceana
- 10% off purchase at Crumbl Cookies (San Marco location)
- 10% off total bill at The Loop Pizza Grill (San Marco location)
- 10% off dry cleaning of 3 items or more at Herman Jackson’s Cleaners
- 25% discount on event package at San Marco Preservation Hall
- $15 off a new SMPS house plaque purchase
Join Today