Opposition to Rezoning: 0 St. Augustine Rd.

The SMPS would like to alert you to a pending rezoning from residential to industrial business park for an office and small warehouse located at 0 St. Augustine Rd, between St. Augustine Road and Lorimier Road.

The property is low lying and adjacent to the historic Philips Craig Swamp Cemetery. The design of the project is preliminary, so storm water impacts to the surrounding area have not yet been determined, but the property is located less than 500 feet from Craig Creek. If the zoning change is approved, there will be limited opportunity to intervene in the development going forward.

We are requesting that the zoning change be denied. Please attend the Land Use and Zoning committee meeting at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 3 to voice your opposition to this rezoning. The meeting will take place in Council Chambers on the 1st Floor of City Hall (117 W. Duval St.).

Due to the lack of transition in zoning designations from residential to industrial, the property’s proximity to the historic cemetery, and environmental concerns relating to the proposed use of the property as an industrial facility, the San Marco Preservation Society requests denial of 2023-704, 2023-705, and 2023-706 (AD-23-84).

You can read the SMPS’s full letter of opposition to District 5 Councilman Joe Carlucci here.

You can view information for all three pieces of legislation by visiting the City’s Legislative Bill Search tool here.