Local Landmark Designation

The San Marco Preservation Society (SMPS) has been actively monitoring the concerns expressed by some individuals in the community regarding the recent demolition of homes in the San Marco area. As many of you may know, some years ago SMPS commissioned a historic survey of many homes in San Marco in order to provide information to interested homeowners who inquired about the process to designate their home as an historic landmark. At this time, several homeowners applied for the designation.

A Local Landmark designation is sought through the Jacksonville Historic Preservation Commission, http://www.coj.net/departments/planning-and-development/community-planning-division/historic-preservation-commission.aspx. If the Jacksonville Historic Preservation Commission agrees that the site is appropriate for designation, it then recommends the site to City Council for final approval. If a home is designated a Local Landmark the homeowner must obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) for any exterior work done to the home, http://www.coj.net/departments/planning-and-development/community-planning-division/default/certificate-of-appropriateness-process.  For extensive work to a Local Landmark, such as demolition or new construction, a COA must be approved by the Jacksonville Historic Preservation Commission. For less extensive work, a COA can be issued by the Historic Preservation Section of the Jacksonville Planning and Development Department.  A COA however, is required before a building permit will be issued for any designated Local Landmark.

SMPS continues to retain the survey records and if there are residents whom are interested in this information or if you would like to apply for a Local Landmark designation, please contact SMPS at 904.396.0081, info@smpsjax.com, or contact SMPS President, LeAnna Cumber at 202.355.8760.